Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Delivered and Heading Towards Home

We made it through our first long AOG, although I wouldn't have really called it an AOG because they didn't treat it like an AOG. Anyway, survived NYC, which some might not understand why that is truly a survival, but in a big truck with signs like the one below(keeping in mind we are 13'4"), you can understand why.
Believe me taking Exit 27 is not advisable either, since we have a 53' trailer and could get fined for that. There are some pretty views, like the Statue of Liberty (from very far away), all of Manhattan, the Brooklyn Bridge, the ocean, etc. But it is so tight and so many people who only care about themselves it makes it nightmarish.

We also got to enjoy a beautiful sunset from a hanger in La Guardia Airport.

Anyway, all is delivered and we survived. God smiled on our hard work, and allowed a trip to fall into our laps that goes in the direction of home. We have 2 engines that are going to Columbus, GA. I do believe we will actually be going on Ft Benning, but not too sure just yet. Would love to be able to see the kids, maybe celebrate Josh's birthday early, clean out my middle daughters old room, and figure out what the heck is going on with my younger sister. Who knows. I guess it all depends on if we are needed somewhere.
I will start on the second book for school today. I really hope it will be as great as Mara.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday :-(

I am so glad the day is over for me. I know some don't understand, but when you wake up at midnight, the day ends about noon. The day started with unloading in Tulsa. Couldn't see the sunrise as it was behind me most of the time and then shining in the mirror too bright for my eyes. My drive was good. Ended the day in Albuquerque with a shower and lunch.
About the shower, if I have to wait over half an hour for a shower because you haven't washed enough towels, then it better be clean! Was it? Obviously not or I wouldn't be complaining. There was dust on several things and little black hairs on everything else (like the shower curtain, sink, shelf for you to set your bag, etc.). After being informed as to why the shower took so long, there was no way I was going to demand it be cleaned. I used the washcloth and wiped everything I would need to touch, and took a quick shower. Afterwards I made sure they knew I was not happy with the bathroom. They acted like I was crazy.
After my hubby got done with his shower, we went to eat at Denny's. Before I could even sit down, I had to request they clean the seat first. Honestly, are my expectations too high???
Anyway I will finish the first book today. Mara is definitely an intriguing book with a lot of history behind it. I hope my daughter likes it. I am really feeling great about our curriculum choice.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bye bye Daddy

While we were waiting on our engine to get swapped out, my husband and I encountered a cute little girl while eating. In a crowded restaurant, you run into all types. In a restaurant in a truck stop it is even worse. As we ate we heard a little girl saying, "Bye, bye, Daddy." She kept repeating it over and over. Finally my husband looked up and waved at her.
The gentleman sitting at her table asked, "Do you see your Daddy."
"Where?" He questioned.
"Right there." She was pointing at my husband.
After the waitress talked to her a bit, we found out Trinity was 2. She was "very smart" and was learning her colors and songs. She was a little cutie, and seemed very bright. When the waitress left her table she said, "Bye bye Auntie."
Everyone commented how cute it was. The waitress was white, like my husband. I remember thinking it was cute but speculating that she must be mixed. I agreed with everyone that she was cute, but as I left I felt sad for her.
While I didn't speak with Trinity's mother, and we could discern the man at her table was not her father, I am fairly certain Trinity wouldn't recognize her father from Donald Trump. Those who know me know that my girls grew up with rather absent fathers. My oldest wouldn't know her father if he walked up to her, and my youngest hasn't seen her father in over ten years, but at the age of two, none of my children would have called an absolute stranger daddy or auntie.
This whole thing saddened me. I know I am not one to judge anyone else's situation, but I felt sorry for this girl. I pray some man as wonderful as my husband will step up and assume the responsibilities someone else walked out on. Anyone can make a baby, but only special men deserve the title "Daddy." I know my girls are blessed, as I am, that my husband has earned that title.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I feel old

Ever have one of those mornings you just feel old? Well, when I woke up today I felt like my husband had run over me with the truck and picked me up and put me in bed since the truck insurance will only pay for my death if I die in the truck. My back feels like a steel rod. Where my back goes into my hips is now a firm fitting as well. I feel like a robot.
Anyway, enough complaining, about that any way. We ran out from San Francisco to Newark as hard as we could with having not been in our regular schedule. (Nearly 3000 miles in 56 hours, with several hours in California and several more in the traffic on the east coast). We can average a bit faster than the 52 mph we did, but with my stomach wanting to revolt day before yesterday, I really don't think that was bad at all. I digress. We get to Newark at shortly after 7 p.m., to be told to back in around cars that are just parked however, in a space barely wide enough for our trailer, definitely not capable of having us back around these cars to go into a hanger. UUUUGGGGHHHH. Do people seriously not understand our trailer is 53' long and 102" wide. We cannot back the 53' worth of trailer around cars only parked 10' apart, and definitely not when there is little more than that to maneuver. When we had our other AOG, they asked when we would be there, had a crew ready, and we parked on the tarmac while they did the change out. This time (different company), we are being asked to unload everything, and go wherever until they are done with the engine, then we can reload and be back on our way. It is against Southern Pride policy to leave the facility on an AOG until the new engine has been run tested. I guess exceptions are made. This company only has an engine change out crew on the clock from 8 - 5. So, an AOG, which takes on average 15 hours to complete the full swap and test, now delays us by almost 48 hours instead of the usual 15. So, we reminded them in San Francisco about the need for an empty stand, and tow bars, all for nothing. We further confirmed we would be taking the same junk back for nothing yet again, except to be delayed for longer.
Well, at least I will get to finish reading the first book for Bonnie, maybe work on the new sleeper plans, work on the budget, and work on any other organizational things I come across in the mean time. And yet again, we will be all out of sorts, and drag our butts back to San Francisco. Lets just say I won't care when we get there after this.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Yesterday, just when we got to sleep (shortly after midnight), the phone rang. If the phone rings that late, it is NEVER a good thing. An airplane is on the ground (AOG) in Newark NJ which needs an engine. We were in Sacramento CA. Ummmm you mean to tell me there isn't an engine closer than we are? They manufacture the engines just up in Connecticut. Whatever. So, we are running as fast as we can from one end of 80 to the other (pretty much). Normally no big deal, but when your sleep is off usual times it is rough. I can't seem to get back in the groove, and thanks to my nerves my IBS is acting up bad. I may be going to a liquid diet really soon.
On the homeschooling front, I am over half way through reading my daughter's first independent reader. I really hope she likes it. She will be flying home on Saturday. She gets to work on math and perhaps science with her brother and sister while everyone else gets up and goes to a traditional school. I cannot wait to officially have the last kid be a teenager and rejoin us in the truck. Life isn't the same.

Monday, August 20, 2012


My middle daughter told me a while ago I fb too much. While I know there are several who live on fb muchmore than I, I also have a need to decompress. Life on the road is full of so much, and when you add homeschooling to the mix, there is so much more to talk about.
And so it begins.