Well, my hope of being able to at least post once a week has kind of went by the wayside. It wasn't that I didn't really have the time to do it, it was more that posting how our week went was not as much of a priority.
Our truck in Tampa with the sun setting behind it. |
When I last wrote, we were in Miami. We enjoyed our time thawing in Miami. We spent my husband's birthday weekend making some repairs on the truck. We were able to complete all the repairs and then had to take him to the emergency room because of an infection that started moving from his ear down his neck. Antibiotics and time has allowed it to heal, thankfully. From Miami, we took a load to Atlanta and then up to Newark. We thought we would be able to sit for a little in the Northeast and watch the Superbowl, but instead we high tailed it to Tampa, only to watch my Broncos be humiliated.
Shortly after sunrise in Miami |
This past week, we went back to Miami, up to Memphis, back to Miami, and now en route to Michigan. While we were in Miami, we were able to catch up with friends, and make a few new friends. We were able to meet people we had only talked on the phone with previously. Time with friends is truly treasured. Our current load is oversized, so I get to spend time catching up on things, hence the ability to write.
On the school front, Boo has finished two more books. At this rate, she is going to finish her books before we finish the rest of the school items. She digests books at such a high rate, I am amazed at her. For a girl that fought me to read, she now would rather have her nose in a book, or listen to a book when she can't read than not. The kindle my middle daughter bought me was such a blessing, and now her kindle is blessing us even more. Technology is a wonderful thing. I have a very hard time limiting technology time, since her nose on the kindle reading is really no different than my nose in a book at any other point.
My husband getting antibiotics. |
This past week also brought us some disturbing news. We found out my grandmother is having some health issues. Out of respect, I will not disclose all of the details about her concerns, but I will say it has made all of us realize that, sadly, she will not live forever. My grandmother has lived a full ninety-three years. She is the rock of our family, and many times the glue that holds us together. Our family is very large, and as I would expect happens in many families, we are many times at odds with each other. My grandmother always shared with us that while we may not like each other at times, never ever stop loving each other, and never ever stop praying for each other. I ask that anyone who reads this to pray that above all else, God's will be done in this, and allow all of us to handle whatever God's will is.
Because of the family drama, love was consistently brought to mind. God brings friends into our lives to love us through different phases of our lives. Sometimes, those friends are family as well. Even if we choose to shut someone out of our lives for a time, we only hurt ourselves in the end. It is vitally important that we forgive and love each other. God loved us so much, He sent His only son to cover all of our sins. He loved us. It is our responsibility to love each other as well. He loved us first, when we were still sinners, and even when we don't agree with choices of others, we are still called to love them.
As we continue our way to Michigan, I am not looking forward to the weather conditions ahead of us. I am not looking forward to the possibility of freezing lines again. I realize this is our job, but it doesn't make me like it any more. I don't know where the roads will lead out of Michigan (other than south), but I know wherever we go, it is my responsibility to go where He leads. He never puts us in an area without allowing us to learn something. It is my responsibility to listen to His leading, love those around me, and never stop praying for His will to be done, whether I understand it or not.